
Rockpiper Rock Dumping Fallpipe VesselRock dumping vessels

Image of Rockpiper Rock Dumping Fallpipe Vessel

Rock dumping fallpipe vessel Boskalis

Rockpiper Rock Dumping Fallpipe VesselRock dumping vessels

Rock dumping fallpipe vessel Boskalis

Rock dumping fallpipe vessel Rockpiper. Conceptual, basic and detailed vessel design in close cooperation with Boskalis. 

Vuyk developed the concept design in close cooperation with Boskalis. This was followed by the full basic design and the detailed design of some special items of the vessel such as the moonpool doors and the side shell cargo doors. One of the main challenges was the short lead time imposed for the project.


Launched in
159.00 m
36.00 m
13.50 m
9.40 m
Rock Carrying Capacity
24.000 tonnes
Fall Pipe Diameter
700 mm
Discharge capacity
2.000 tonnes/hour
Maximum discharge depth
1.500 metres
Total Installed Power
15.200 kWh
60 persons

The Rockpiper, a rock dumping fallpipe vessel, owned by Boskalis, is built at the Singapore based Keppel Singmarine yard and was completed at the beginning of 2012. The Rockpiper is mainly deployed in oil and gas offshore projects. The design is in accordance with the latest demands of the offshore industry, i.e. the ship has a class 2 DP system and SPS notation and fulfils the latest MARPOL requirements. 

FEM Analysis

Vuyk Engineering Rotterdam performed a FEM analysis of the entire hull (global hull analysis) to investigate the stresses near the discontinuities of the side shell in way of the stone bunkers and moonpool. The vessel is designed with a water ballast system that can implement a water ballast treatment unit in the future and is also prepared for future installation of an SCR system.

Vuyk Engineering Rotterdam

Great emphasis was placed on easy to build structures. In this case Vuyk Engineering Rotterdam received the compliments from the shipyard responsible for building the vessel. The Rockpiper is equipped with a fallpipe system with an ROV near the seabed for accurate positioning. Rocks are lowered through the fallpipe at a controlled rate while the vessel moves along its track under dynamic control.

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